Build JYN

The Project

Jewish Youth Network (JYN) is a pioneering charitable outreach organization dedicated to the spiritual and social wellness of the Greater Toronto Area’s youth from Junior Kindergarten
through Grade 12, and beyond. 

The Jewish population in the GTA under the age of 24 exceeds 60,000 young people, a high percentage of whom are not engaged at all in any sort of program that promotes Jewish identity and continuity. The Jewish Youth Network responds to this disturbing statistic with a concept that resonates directly with our youth, speaks their language and engages their soul. It is current for today’s times, but includes a built-in conduit for the future. While there are many services out there, few can achieve what is necessary to illuminate the pathway to Jewish identity through guidance, care and knowledge in today’s rapidly changing environment.
This new building, the first of its kind, is much more than just bricks and mortar; it is an essential apparatus to help JYN achieve its mission, responding to the needs

of a new generation. JYN currently operates out of three different rental locations within the GTA. This new space will not only answer their physical needs but will be a major financial step in the right direction. It will also allow efficiencies in the delivery of their services through consolidation and expansion of the education and recreational facilities.

The projected cost of the land and building is $18 million. We are pleased to announce that we have successfully raised over $13 million, and through the following dedication opportunities, we hope to reach our target.

We promise to work day and night and overturn every stone so that no youth are left behind. The writing on the wall is clear. If we don’t step up to the plate now, tomorrow’s synagogue trustees, Jewish day schools, and the other standard-bearers of Jewish life will suffer the

Engaging Jewish youth today is imperative for ensuring the Jewish tomorrow 

Build JYN